Tuesday, February 23, 2016

SPANISH VERBS: Callejear [to wander (about), to stroll (around) the streets]

CALLEJEAR is a Spanish verb which is associated with the noun 'calle' (street).

The verb  'callejear' implies:

• the existence at least one street and
• being in the appropriate mood that is, being relaxed, idle or curious while walking around.


- Me gusta callejear por Madrid (I like strolling around Madrid)

- Antes los chicos y chicas podían callejear solos; ahora sus padres tienen miedo de que les pase algo malo
(Before boys and girls could wander the streets alone; now parents fear that something bad could happen to them)

- Venga, basta ya de callejear. Vamos para casa
   (Come on, enough of tramping the streets. Let's go home)

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