Wednesday, February 3, 2016

NEOLOGISMOS: "a flash-mob" (una quedada)

The concept of a 'Flash-mob' is relatively new and is an interesting one.

How to call the sudden gathering in the street of perfect strangers to dance the salsa or to listen to a local group playing Mozart? The term Flash-mob was coined in English and then, the other languages had to find an equivalent word which in some cases it can take some time and a trial and error process.

In Spanish the term 'quedada' (noun) seems to be the most accepted but its meaning can cover many types of gatherings. For example an instant gathering in the street to hear some artistic event or organised through social media, a flash mob.

In Spain the movement "Los indignados" in 2012 met in many public places through social media and these were called "quedadas".

Also a meeting of old friends or school friends can be called 'una quedada' and a group of people who share the same intererest can meet in 'una quedada'. It can be related to interet or sports or hobbies.

It is an old term now but 'una quedada' was an old spinster in Central America; also a bad joke played on someone.

Here are some more examples:

(quedada en bicicleta =  excursion / salida en bicicleta = a group bike ride)

Un grupo de aficionados ha organizado una quedada en bicicleta el próximo domingo a las 8 de la mañana en la Plaza de la Luz. Se saldra a las 8 y media y se hara un recorrido de unos 30 kilómetros por las afueras de la ciudad. Después desayuno en el bar de la plaza.

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