Sunday, January 16, 2011


I teach Spanish to adults in one of the state capitals of Australia. Clue: it is an island.

I write this blog mainly for myself, but my students and anyone interested in the Spanish language, or in languages in general, is welcome to read it.

I use it basically as an ‘in-island professional development’, if this makes any sense. Spain and Latin America are very far away from here and when you live in a country where a language you know is not spoken in the street, you have to do something to avoid it fading gradually from your brain.

Languages are like a living organisms: they change and evolve constantly, and you need to use them regularly to keep up with changes, otherwise they will not only fade from your head but something worse, they will calcify: using old structures and old words, or speaking "like a dictionary" is something you want to avoid as much as possible. You may not avoid completely but at least you can minimise it. I find that keeping up a blog is perfect.

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